Friday, June 12, 2009

It's summer!

Today it was 96 degrees outside, and it's been hotter, but today felt so much worse because we had storms roll through last time. Huuuummmiidity!! eck.
An update on the rest of my life since I've been absent for quite some time now... sorry about that.
SO, I've started planning Taylor's birthday party, and I even got the invites out this week. Her them was chosen by my hubs, the man's man, and he chose cupcakes. LOL too cute. So, we're gonna have all the little kiddos decorate their own cupcake, and have a BIG cupcake for everyone else to share. I can't wait!
My summer classes are in motion. Only two and a half weeks left for one, and 4 left my other. They are crammed packed of information too! I'm a senior in college, and because I was a major slacker when I first started I didn't take a lot of my prereqs, well, I'm taking freshmen comp. grrr... but I'm pretty good at research papers, so, I guess I'll hang in there. My abnormal psyc class is AAAAmazing. I love it. I can't WAIT to be a counselor. =) Next month I'm taking two online classes before the Fall semester starts... let's see if I can handle it. TWO very self-disciplined classes in a very short period of time can't be easy.
I've been job hunting too. My hubs has decided to make, yet another, career change, which leaves me searching for a part time job to help make ends meet. I gotta tell ya, it's no picnic out there right now. It seems as if everyone is out of work, and if any positon comes open everyone jumps on it. It's hard to find an employer that will work around my class schedule too. So... wish me luck please. We really need this to happen... financially, if you know what I mean.

Enough rambling... here are a couple pics of my cutie! =)

Thursday, June 4, 2009

A potty training breakthrough??

PERHAPS!! Taylor has been doing pretty well with her potty training, but she'll do great for a day or two, then go back to her old ways. We transitioned her from diapers to pullups about 6 weeks ago (is that too long to be in pullups?), and yesterday I decided that I had had enough of her pullups and put her in big girl panties, which BTW, are NOT big in any way. They have to be some of the smallest things I've ever seen, but very cute.

So, we start the day off in panties, I take her to her Nana and Papa's so I can go to class, by the time I get back home she's already on her 3rd pair... lol. Doesn't sound like this was such a great idea at this point, but I'm going to stay firm in my decision that we're going to make it the whole day in big girl under wear, because this IS going to work. It has to... right?

Every 10 minutes I'm asking her "do you need to go pee pee?" "Taylor do you need to go potty?" and she's constanty telling me "nu uh, nu uh". Ok, so, she doesn't have to go potty. What happens about 3 minutes after one of the times I ask her? I find her hiding behind our living room chair, standing up, but with her legs crossed trying to hold it in, but knows the minute she takes a step it's all over with. =) So I rush her to the bathroom, down the hallway we go, bust open the bathroom door... but alas, we were too late. Bummer. No sticker for Taylor this time, but she does get to put on another very cute pair of panties, #4.

Around 4:45... I'm sitting on the couch watching Oprah, which was a pretty boring rerun yesterday, and Taylor disappears. My first thought was that she must've went to her room to drag some more toys out into the middle of our living room, but a half a second after that thought I hear the bathtub running. LOL kids are so smart. So again, I race to the bathroom and find my adorable daughter pouring the peepee from her potty into the bathtub, and rinsing out the bowl like Mommy and Daddy always do. Therefore, my friends, Taylor went to the bathroom without telling me, sat down on the potty, went peepee, and was cleaning out the bowl. I was shocked. Even funnier... miss Taylor hasn't figured out that she needs to pull her panties down first. AHAHAHAHA! I couldn't stop laughing. But she definitely got a sticker, a big hug, high fives all around, and a big kiss from one very proud mama. Hopefully today will be even better.