I'm sure all of my dedicated blog followers have been anxiously awaiting my return after what has been a looooooong spell of quietness. Yes, I'm sure that is a word.
Let's see what I can think of to capture my reader's attention. Believe it or not I'm always reading everyone else's blog, but rarely leave a comment or obviously ever post because I'm always trying to keep up on my iPhone, and it's too hard to do anything more elaborate than read from my handy-dandy hand-held device.
Let's see... all of the holidays have passed. Another semester has come and gone. Currently I'm beginning another. My last to be exact. I will finally be graduating in May, and I have put in about 12,000 graduate school applications. So, we'll see!
My latest drama involves kitchen appliances. On Wednesday a week ago I woke up to a nasty smell, and a nice warm refrigerator. Yay for me. Luckily I was able to save most of our food, but I still ended up throwing away a trashbag full. So disappointing since I had just went grocery shopping 3 days prior. So off I went to our local Home Depot (I absolutely LOVE home improvement stores!), and with my hubby's permission to pick out WHATEVER refridgerator I wanted. oops! His mistake. I found the biggest one they had in stainless steel, and called it a day. We just got it delivered yesterday. I was SO excited. I'll add a picture of it later. We decided last night that if we ever move we're going to have to base our house decision on whether or not the kitchen has a place big enough to fit our new fridge. :-)
Well, I hope this is enough of an update for now. I hope to stay a little more intuned now that I'm not quite so busy with school.
Let's see what I can think of to capture my reader's attention. Believe it or not I'm always reading everyone else's blog, but rarely leave a comment or obviously ever post because I'm always trying to keep up on my iPhone, and it's too hard to do anything more elaborate than read from my handy-dandy hand-held device.
Let's see... all of the holidays have passed. Another semester has come and gone. Currently I'm beginning another. My last to be exact. I will finally be graduating in May, and I have put in about 12,000 graduate school applications. So, we'll see!
My latest drama involves kitchen appliances. On Wednesday a week ago I woke up to a nasty smell, and a nice warm refrigerator. Yay for me. Luckily I was able to save most of our food, but I still ended up throwing away a trashbag full. So disappointing since I had just went grocery shopping 3 days prior. So off I went to our local Home Depot (I absolutely LOVE home improvement stores!), and with my hubby's permission to pick out WHATEVER refridgerator I wanted. oops! His mistake. I found the biggest one they had in stainless steel, and called it a day. We just got it delivered yesterday. I was SO excited. I'll add a picture of it later. We decided last night that if we ever move we're going to have to base our house decision on whether or not the kitchen has a place big enough to fit our new fridge. :-)
Well, I hope this is enough of an update for now. I hope to stay a little more intuned now that I'm not quite so busy with school.
There we go... my new love!