Sunday, February 22, 2009

Getting impatient waiting on God's timing!!

So, in October Michael and I went out on a limb, did a lot of praying, and decided that Michael was going to quit he good paying job to go back to school for 16 weeks. The class was going to cost us $7000 PLUS living expenses, and thanks to my family we were going to pull it off. So, the last week of October Michael started class at TSTC in the Subsea Robotics program on December 19th he graduated. We were told a job in this field was a guarantee, and we had nothing to worry about because recruiters would actually be at his graduation scooping these guys up. Guess what... no recruiters showed. It's now the end of February and he still doesn't have a job and the money is running out FAST! We've been to Louisiana twice over the past two weeks, and have come out empty handed both times. We're doing a lot of praying, and trying to leave it up to God, but sometimes it is very hard when the fate of our livelihood seems like it might go down the drain if something doesn't happen soon. Tomorrow morning he is meeting with another recruiter, so, we are going to keep our fingers crossed that this time we will catch a break. We NEED him to catch a break.

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