I'm working three part time jobs right now. I'm a teller at a local bank, retail at the Children's Place (bring on the discounts!), and childcare at our local YMCA. You might be (or you might not be) wondering "how is she going to school, raising a 2 year old, cleaning her house, AND working 3 jobs". The answer is easy, I'm not. My life is crazy chaotic right now, and I don't have time for anything. My summer classes will be over in a couple weeks, and I'll have about two weeks before the next one's start up. When they do at least one of the jobs will go, possibly two. Right now, financially, we have no choice but to work as much possible. We're still falling short, but we'd be even farther behind if I wasn't working so many hourse. Hubby works 10 or 11 hour days, on Saturdays when he can, and with his dad doing side jobs as much as possible. If you pray, please pray for the financial well-being of my family. It might sound hokey to some, but we desperately need to catch a break soon.
Here is a picture of myself and Mr. Brooker watching the fireworks on the 4th of July. We had so much fun that day! We even took Taylor to the parade, and Michael and Taylor were even interviewed by our local news station about how much they liked the show! It was so neat seeing them on TV!
WOW! I can't even imagine being that busy! Only one more year of school! and hopefully things will get easier. Your little girl is absolutely precious. Two is a really fun age!