Sunday, April 12, 2009


Easter was today, and was fantastic. Church was amazing, and the weather turned off amazing. The downside you may ask? Michael left for Louisiana this afternoon for a week's worth of training. he won't be home until Saturday. I didn't cry when he left, but I've teared up a couple of times since then. It's hard without him here, and we just don't spend this much time apart, so, it's definitely going to take some getting used to. Even if the paycheck IS good. =)

Well, some more big news. Taylor used the big girl potty for the first time tonight....I'm so proud and sad at the same time. She's just not a baby anymore, and I'm not handling that very well either. MY life seems to be going by so much faster now that I have her. Watching her grow and learn speeds everything up.

I'm gonna go TRY to lay down without Michael now. I'm scared of the dark so I'm not sure how well this is going to workout. I guess I'll let you know tomorrow.


  1. lol You'll make it! I know how ya feel. When Cody was filming constantly I felt like a single parent!
