Thursday, April 30, 2009

Schoooooool's out for. ever.

Actually not quite. On Tuesday though I will be done with the Spring semester. I'm taking 19 hours right now, and another 12 this summer. Yikes! I did, however, take my hardest final this morning, and it lived up to my expectations. I walked out of there feeling very bad about myself, lol, but that's how it goes. I have another final this evening, and then another one due tomorrow evening. After that only two more due on Tuesday. Geesh, that actually sounds like a lot.

When I graduate I'm thowing myself a HUGE party. Even if I'm the only one attending... haha. I really despise studying, and doing homework, so, school is hard for me. I am expected to graduate next May though. One more year, and now that I've had Taylor the years seem to be going by much faster, so, before I know it I'll be done.

Everyone wish me luck tonight thru Tuesday. I think I'm going to need it. Have a great Friday everybody!!!


  1. Good luck!!! You're going to do great!!

  2. Tons of great luck your way! Let us know how it goes, k?

    I just signed up for a Trig class that is mandatory for PreCal that is mandatory for Business School. Ugh. We'll see!

  3. Just stopping by to say hello from SITS. Now I'm off to read more of your blog:) I love the layout!!!
