Monday, May 18, 2009

Super Bite!

My dear darling daughter BIT the heck out of me this evening. We were at our small group tonight discussing all the important things in life (I was actually half asleep) when Taylor walked over and sat in my lap, put her sweet little hands on my cheeks and then proceeded to bite my chin off!!! Four other couples from our church got to witness me spank my child... oops. I apologize to any of those reading this that don't spank their children, but in my family, it's just another form of discipline. No one seemed to care, so, whew, dodged a bullet there. Anywho, my little turd latched on to my chin and wouldn't let go! The harder I tried to remove her from chin the deeper her bite went. I had tears streaming down my face, and when she released I had a perfectly round spot where her teeth marks were more than visible. I didn't think fast enough to take a picture (dangit!), but an hour later it's STILL sore. So... short of beating her, how do I break her from biting? And here I was thinking I was gonna get sugars and lovin'. I got a pirana instead!!!


  1. Oh my gosh! I can only imagine how badly that hurt!

    I better be more careful when Caden comes up to me pulling me in for a kiss.

  2. In my humble opinion, you did the right thing by promptly handing the situation with swift discipline. I've talked with our kiddos about similar issues: biting, spitting ... What I told them was that mouths are for eating and giving kisses, never for biting, spitting or saying ugly words. I think the important thing is to be sure she realizes it isn't a joke; you aren't laughing, and she will have consequences. Hang in there, I think you responded appropriately.
