Thursday, April 23, 2009

I need help!

So, I'm new to this blog community thing, and I'm following the people I know personally, and they're following me cuz they're good sports =) LOL, but how do I branch out and find other great people to read?? I mean, I can click my buddies profiles and read other their new friends profiles and blogs, but how do I find people on my own... I know I know... I must sound very ignorant, but to this stuff, I guess I am... anyone wanna offer any advice??


  1. Hey there! Thanks for commenting on my weight watchers blog yesterday!! I usually find people through other people's blogs... like if you visit my main blog, you'll see that I have followers, so click on them and then they have lots of followers and so forth and so forth... I literally have 100's of blogs that I follow, it's crazy! lol

  2. I agree with what Becca said. I usually find other blogs that same way. If you are following someones blog and like it the chances are they are following some that you would enjoy too. There also sites to go to that list lots of 'Mom blogs' and such and you should def check out Tons of great blogs on there!!!
