Sunday, April 26, 2009

Water bugs.... *high shriek*

I honestly, 100%, with all of my heart believe that water bugs is God's way of earthly punishment for humans. I do. What other reason could they possibly have besides complete terror?? They're sneaky, they hide, they're ugly, and they generally only come out at night. Need I say more? No. But I'm going to anyways. Apparently these bugs are different than your every day roaches... your house doesn't have to be dirty in order for them to invite themselves over. I keep a clean house for those skeptics out there!! They like the sewer, so, living in town is apparently NOT the place to be if you have "water bug phobia" (which I do). Septic is the way to go! I've found these little bastards in my sink, bathtub, hiding in my mixing bowls that I leave on my counter, and once one of them ran across my living room floor. I'll spare you a picture of these creatures because honestly, I coudn't stand doing a search for one. Ugh. My poor husband will get woke up in the middle of the night if I find one. Killing them is almost worse than the actual sight of them. Almost.
It's a huge fiasco when I'm home alone and one decides to show it's ugly little face (if you can call it that). I generally wait for my hubby to get home outside.
Why the ranting you may ask?? I just found one in the bottom of my bathtub, and now I'm completely grossed out. Why God? Why water bugs?? Eternal damnation in the firey depths of Hell isn't enough??? Ok... I'm getting a little dramatic, but I hate water bugs. Hate them.


  1. I totally agree!! I had one fall on me while I was at my parents house one day!! I really thought I was going to die!

  2. lol! I will spray them with hairspray, cleaning spray ... whatever I can grab handy! They completely gross me out.

  3. I completely agree with you... ewww, one was in the bedroom the other night and hubs had to kill it before I came out of my skin screaming!
