Friday, April 24, 2009

Sleeping Beauty

Just a thought:
How can my little girl be so beautiful and peaceful one minute (usually when she's sleeping), but the next be a tornado with flaying arms, running through walls, and screaming her tiny head off??? It's CRAZY!!
Don't get me wrong, I am actually very lucky, and 90% of the time Taylor is very well-behaved, but the other 10% is Rosemary's child.... seriously.


  1. Hahaha you crack me up! I believe that is probably what every mother would say about their toddler.

  2. thanks for visiting my blog and for your comment. From one low maintenance chick to another!

    carma :-)

  3. Hi Toni,
    Welcome to Sits and the blogging world. You have a lovely family! My husband used to say when our daughter was small "there is a reason they are so cute".
    I signed up to follow your blog it is great to meet new friends. Drop by my place anytime.

  4. Hello from SITS!
    Your banner is absolutely gorgeous!!!
    Have a great day..

  5. Dropping a hello from SITS to you! Taylor is adorable! Should have her meet up with my two, Jonathan and Tre - we'd both need a time out after that little session LOL!
